Leading Starts with YOU, by: Lily Garcia
Leading starts with you!
I heard someone say once…”You can't take people where you haven’t been” and have learned that leadership is the same way. Leadership is a journey! You can have the best strategies & technologies in place, but if you are not learning, being stretched yourself, and giving back to those around you, then you will only be managing not leading those entrusted to you as young leaders.
There are 3 essential ACTIONS next level leaders naturally do:
1. They give those they lead their eyes!
What happens in a 3D movie the moment you slide on those 3D glasses? Everything pops! Colors, images, objects come flying towards you. Our greatest privilege as leaders is to give those we lead our 3D eyes. Help those you lead see what you see…..excellence, dangers, pitfalls, the pain you see in others. Help them see the possibilities in situations & in themselves.
2. They unleash confidence!
Create in those you lead an unstoppable confidence by setting them up for success early on. Be a student of those you lead. Position them in their strengths. People yield greater fulfillment & results when they are in they are positioned in their strength zone. Communicate consistently with them. Don't assume they know what WINS are. You build their confidence when they know your organization’s direction and see themselves adding value to that WIN.
3. They leave people BETTER than they found them!
You can’t spend time with God and not be transformed. Leadership is the same way. You can’t grow in your leadership and not sharpen those around you. When you’re growing in your leadership, those around you will be challenged and stretched. We are called to leave people better than we found them. Model who you want them to be. Our actions as Leaders will speak greater than our words. Relationally invest in those around you. Get to know those called to your lives. John Maxwell states in his book “Irrefutable Laws of Leadership”, “People want to know you care about them before they know what you know.” You will teach what you know, but reproduce who you are.
Lily Vilella Garcia
Lily is a wife, mom of 5, Executive Director of Staff & Leadership Development at Oasis Church, Pastor & Strategist at The Legacy Ministries, and Founder of TIARAS GIRLS, fueled when unleashing others to take their place in history. To learn more about Lily, visit thelegacyministries.com and tiarasgirls.com or find them on social media: TheLegacyMinistries & TiarasGirls